I'm Alex Schepelmann, a Robotics and Computational Modeling Engineer in the Mechanisms and Tribology Branch at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio.
My passion is robotics, especially robotic systems and actuators. I hold a Ph.D. in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute, as well as a M.S. and a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. My expertise includes the design, control, and actuation of legged robotic systems, optimization-based design and control of robotic actuation technologies with a focus on series elastic actuators, state-estimation, numerical optimization, machine learning, and real-time computer vision methods for obstacle avoidance in autonomous vehicles.
At Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute, I worked with Hartmut Geyer investigating legged systems. There, my research focused on the design and control of legged locomotion testbeds to evaluate decentralized swing-leg controllers, and the design and control of compact nonlinear springs for series elastic actuators. At Carnegie Mellon, I also completed a post-doctoral fellowship working with Howie Choset to help develop compact series elastic actuators for the CMU Biorobotics Lab and HEBI Robotics.
At Case Western Reserve University, I worked with Roger Quinn in the Center for Biologically Inspired Robotics Research. There, my research focused on creating real-time computer vision algorithms to enable autonomous vehicles to avoid obstacles.
I provide consulting services for businesses looking to integrate and deploy robotics technologies.
Want to get in touch? Feel free to contact me via any of the methods under my picture!
- A. Kainth, A.R. Krohn, K. Johnson, A. Schepelmann, E.W. Hawkes, N.D. Naclerio. Resettable Land Anchor Launcher for Unmanned Rover Rescue and Slope Climbing. (To Appear) In Proceedings of the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2025 IEEE ICRA), Atlanta, GA, May 2025.
- A. Castel, R. Hadjit, B. Gardner, A. Schepelmann. Bayesian Optimization for Rapid Probabilistic Estimations of Overall Level on Frequency Response Models. 2024 European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials, and Environmental Testing (ECSSMET), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, September 2024. (.pdf)
- R. Zhang, C. Vanden Heuvel, A. Schepelmann, A. Rogg, D. Apostolopoulos, S. Chandler, R. Serban, D. Negrut. A GPU-accelerated simulator for the DEM analysis of granular systems composed of clump-shaped elements. Engineering with Computers, January 2024. (link, arXiv)
- A. Schepelmann, S. Gerdts. Characterization of Infrared Optical Motion Tracking System in NASA's Simulated Lunar Operations (SLOPE) Laboratory. NASA Technical Memorandum NASA/TM–20220005304, NASA Glenn Research Center, June 2022. (link, .pdf)
- M.T. Prelich, M. Matar, S.A. Gokoglu, C.A. Gallo, A. Schepelmann, A.K. Iqbal, B.E. Lewandowski, R.A. Britten, R.K. Prabhu, J.G. Myers. Predicting Space Radiation Single Ion Exposure in Rodents: A Machine Learning Approach. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, September 2021. (link)
- A. Schepelmann, J.A. Pennline, C.R. Werner, L. Mulugeta, B.E. Lewandowski. Overview and Evaluation of a Computational Bone Physiology Modeling Toolchain and Its Application to Testing of Exercise Countermeasures. NASA Technical Memorandum NASA/TM–2018-219938, NASA Glenn Research Center, August 2018. (link, .pdf)
- A. Schepelmann, Y. Zhong, J. Austin, K.A. Geberth, H. Geyer. Experimental Evaluation of Robust Swing-Leg Placement Controls in Robotic Limb Testbeds. CMU Robotics Institute Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-18-62, Carnegie Mellon University, August 2018. (link, .pdf)
- A. Schepelmann, J. Austin, H. Geyer. Evaluation of Decentralized Reactive Swing-Leg Control on a Powered Robotic Leg. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2015 IEEE/RSJ IROS), Hamburg, Germany, September 2015. (link, .pdf)
- J. Austin, A. Schepelmann, H. Geyer. Control and Evaluation of Series Elastic Actuators with Nonlinear Rubber Springs. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2015 IEEE/RSJ IROS), Hamburg, Germany, September 2015. (link, .pdf)
- A. Schepelmann, K.A. Geberth, H. Geyer. Compact Nonlinear Springs with User Defined Torque-Deflection Profiles for Series Elastic Actuators. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2014 IEEE ICRA), Hong Kong, China, May 2014. (link, .pdf)
- A. Schepelmann, M.D. Taylor, H. Geyer. Development of a Testbed for Robotic Neuromuscular Controllers. In Proceedings of the 2012 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (2012 RSS), Sydney, Australia, July 2012. (link, .pdf)
- A. Schepelmann, R.E. Hudson, F.L. Merat, R.D. Quinn. Visual Segmentation of Lawn Grass for a Mobile Robotic Lawnmower. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2010 IEEE/RSJ IROS), Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010. (link, .pdf)
- K.A. Daltorio, A.D. Rolin, J.A. Beno, B.E. Hughes, A. Schepelmann, J.M. Green, M.S. Branicky, R.D. Quinn. An Obstacle-Edging Reflex for an Autonomous Lawnmower. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (2010 ION/IEEE PLANS), Indian Wells, CA, May 2010. (link, .pdf)
- A. Schepelmann, H.H. Snow, B.E. Hughes, J.M. Green, F.L. Merat, R.D. Quinn. Vision-Based Obstacle Detection and Avoidance for the CWRU Cutter Autonomous Lawnmower. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (2009 IEEE TePRA), Woburn, MA, November 2009. (link, .pdf)
Extended Abstracts, Invited Talks, and Poster Presentations
- A. Schepelmann. Two Worlds of Innovation: A Career in Space Robotics and STEM Education. Hudson High School Emerging Technology Conference, Hudson, OH, November 2024.
- A. Schepelmann. Getting Started with Local Large Language Models (LLMs) and Open WebUI: A Step-By-Step Guide. NASA Summer of AI Seminar Series, August 2024. (slides)
- A. Schepelmann. Optimization-Based Parametric Design via High-Fidelity Simulation: Overview + Examples. NASA Thermal & Fluids Analysis Workshop (TFAWS), Cleveland, OH, August 2024.
- A. Schepelmann. Parametric Optimization of Rigid Wheels for Planetary Surface Mobility Applications. NASA Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning Power Hour, July 2024.
- A. Schepelmann, K.A. Johnson, C.M. Creager, D.W. Munster, L. Bakke, D. Negrut. Parametric Optimization of Rigid Wheels for Planetary Surface Mobility Applications. 2023 Machine Ground Interaction Consortium (2023 MaGIC), Madison, WI, December 2023. (link, abstract, slides)
- A. Schepelmann. An Optimization-Based Toolchain for Parametric Mechanism Design. 2023 Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium Fall Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2023. (poster)
- V.T. Bickel, E. Rezich, A. Deutsch, A. Schepelmann, K. Lewis, K. Ennico-Smith, J. Heldmann, Z. Mirmalek, U. Wong, J. Kleinhenz, K. Zacny, T. Colaprete. Leveraging VIPER Geotechnical and Mobility Insights for Endurance Rover and Traverse Development. University Space Research Association/Lunar and Planetary Institute (USRA/LPI) Endurance Science Workshop, Pasadena, CA, August 2023. (link, abstract, slides)
- A. Schepelmann. API Exploration and Contextual Example Generation with ChatGPT. 2023 NASA Glenn Research Center Forum on Generative AI, Cleveland, OH, August 2023.
- A. Schepelmann. Parametric Mechanism Design Through Numerical Optimization and Physics Simulation. 2023 Space Resources Roundtable XXIII Meeting, Golden, CO, June 2023. (link, slides)
- E.T. Rezich, M.P. Proctor, K.A. Johnson, F. Thomas, A. Schepelmann. Experimental Investigation of Bucket Excavation Force Reduction with an Ultrasonic Leading Edge. 2023 Space Resources Roundtable XXIII Meeting, Golden, CO, June 2023. (link)
- A. Schepelmann, E.T. Rezich. A Framework for Optimization-Based ISRU Tool Design Using Discrete Element Modeling. NASA Structures, Loads, and Mechanical Systems Early Career Forum, New Orleans, LA, September 2022. (link, poster)
- E.T. Rezich, M.P. Proctor, K.A. Johnson, F. Thomas, A. Schepelmann. Experimental Investigation of Bucket Excavation Torque Reduction with an Ultrasonic Leading Edge. NASA Structures, Loads, and Mechanical Systems Early Career Forum, New Orleans, LA, September 2022. (poster)
- A. Schepelmann, E.T. Rezich, K.A. Johnson, M.P. Proctor. High-Fidelity Simulation of the Advanced Planetary Excavator (APEX) Manipulator for In-Situ Resource Utilization Technology Development. 2022 Space Resources Roundtable XXII Meeting, Golden, CO, June 2022. (link, abstract, slides)
- E.T. Rezich, A. Schepelmann, S. Gerdts, H. Oravec. Overview of SLOPE Laboratory Testing Capabilities for Planetary Mobility and Traction Studies at NASA Glenn Research Center. ASCE Earth and Space 2022, Denver, CO, April 2022. (link, slides)
- A. Schepelmann. Bone Mineral Density Maintenance During Long-Duration Spaceflight. NASA Langley Research Center LaRC Data Science Expo, Hampton, VA, July 2021. (slides)
- E.T. Rezich, A. Schepelmann. NASA Glenn Research Center mTRAX Planetary Exploration Laboratories Capabilities Overview. 2021 Workshop on Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Exploration, Houston, TX, June 2021. (link, abstract)
- A. Schepelmann. Bone Mineral Density Maintenance During Long-Duration Spaceflight. NASA Glenn Research Center LM Machine Learning Forum, Cleveland, OH, June 2021. (abstract, slides)
- E.T. Rezich, A. Schepelmann, D.J. Gotti, D.L. Linne. Ultrasonic Leading Edge for Lunar Excavation Tools. 2021 Planetary and Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium/Space Resources Roundtable (2021 PTMSS/SRR), Ottawa, Canada, June 2021. (abstract, slides)
- A. Schepelmann, M. Matar, R.A. Britten, B.E. Lewandowski. Probabilistic Classifiers Can Predict Radiation Exposure in Rodents from Performance Tests. 2020 NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop (2020 NASA HRP IWS), Houston, TX, January 2020. (link, abstract, slides)
- M. Prelich, C. Gallo, M. Matar, A. Schepelmann, J. Myers, R.A. Britten. Predicting Single-Ion Exposure in Rodents Through Performance Tests: A Data-Driven Approach Using Support Vector Machines. 2020 NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop (2020 NASA HRP IWS), Houston, TX, January 2020. (link, abstract)
- A. Schepelmann. Bone Mineral Density Maintenance During Long-Duration Spaceflight. Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group (IMAG) and the Multiscale Modeling (MSM) Consortium 2019 Machine Learning and Multiscale Modeling (ML-MSM) Pre-Meeting Webinar, Bethesda, MD, October 2019. (link, slides, video)
- A. Schepelmann. Computational Modeling in Support of NASA's Human Research Program. NASA Glenn Research Center Machine Learning Forum, Cleveland, OH, July 2019. (abstract, slides)
- A. Schepelmann, J.A. Pennline, C.R. Werner, K.M. Gilkey, B.E. Lewandowski. Overview and Evaluation of a Computational Bone Physiology Modeling Toolchain and Its Application to Testing of Exercise Countermeasures. 2018 NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop (2018 NASA HRP IWS), Houston, TX, January 2018. (link, abstract, poster)
- A. Schepelmann. Modular Robots for Rapid Development and Deployment of Custom Automation. 2016 RoboBusiness, San Jose, CA, September 2016. (slides)
- F. Enner, C. Layton, D. Rollinson, A. Schepelmann, M. Tesch, H. Choset. A Modular Series Elastic Actuator for Accelerating Robotics Research. 2016 Dynamic Walking Conference (2016 DWC), Holly, MI, July 2016.
- A. Schepelmann, J. Austin, H. Geyer. Transfer and Evaluation of Decentralized Reactive Swing-Leg Controls for Powered Robotic Legs. 2015 Dynamic Walking Conference (2015 DWC), Columbus, OH, July 2015. (abstract)
- A. Schepelmann, H. Geyer. A Synthesis Method for Compact Nonlinear Springs with Custom-Torque Deflection Profiles and Bandwidth for Series Elastic Actuators. 2013 Dynamic Walking Conference (2013 DWC), Pittsburgh, PA, June 2013. (abstract)
- A. Schepelmann, R. Desai, H. Geyer. Evaluating a Swing Leg Controller for Autonomous Foot Placement on Powered, Segmented Robotic Legs. 2013 Innovation in Healthcare Technology Conference (2013 IHTC), Pittsburgh, PA, April 2013.
- A. Schepelmann, M.D. Taylor, H. Geyer. Towards a Testbed for Robotic Neuromuscular Controllers. 2012 Dynamic Walking Conference (2012 DWC), Pensacola Beach, FL, May 2012. (poster)
- Vision-Aided Navigation System for Autonomous Lawnmowing. 2010 Institute of Navigation Global Navigation Satellite Systems Conference (2010 ION GNSS), Portland, OR, September 2010.
- Guidance and Navigation System for an Autonomous Lawnmower: CWRU Cutter. 2009 Institute of Navigation Global Navigation Satellite Systems Conference (2009 ION GNSS), Savannah, GA, September 2009. (link)
- Evaluation of Decentralized Reactive Swing-Leg Controllers on Powered Robotic Legs. Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, January 2016. (link, .pdf)
- Identification & Segmentation of Lawn Grass Based on Color & Visual Texture Classifiers. M.S. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, August 2010. (link, .pdf)
- A. Schepelmann, K.A. Daltorio, A.D. Rolin, J. Beno, B.E. Hughes, J.M. Green, M.S. Branicky, R.D. Quinn, H.H. Snow, F.L. Merat, R.E. Hudson. Visual Segmentation of Lawn Grass. U.S. Patent No. US009349187B2. Granted: May 2016. (link)
- NASA Silver Group Achievement Award: Summer of AI (SoAI) Team for the Outstanding Contributions to Advancing AI Awareness and Education at NASA Through the 2024 Summer of AI Learning Campaign. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, October 2024.
- NASA Silver Group Achievement Award: Outstanding Accomplishment in the Testing of the Engineering Unit for the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) at NASA Glenn's SLOPE Lab. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, June 2024.
- NASA Ames Honor Group Award: Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover Moon Gravity Representation Unit (VIPER MGRU) Rover Team. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. November 2023.
- NASA Glenn Research Center Center Innovation Fund: Ground Contact Force Characterization Rig for ISRU Modeling and Tool Development Tasks. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Role: Principal Investigator. Award Date: September 2022 - September 2023.
- NASA Glenn Honor Group Award: Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Testing at the Simulated Lunar Operations (SLOPE) Laboratory. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. September 2022.
- NASA@Work Technology Taxonomy Video Challenge Certificate of Appreciation. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. April 2021.
- SBIR Phase I: Spherical Actuated Exploration Ballistic Legged System (Spaceballs). National Science Foundation. Award No. 2013933. Role: Initiating Principal Investigator. Award Date: August 2020 - July 2021. Award Proffered. (link)
- Human Research Program Peer Award: Model Maturation, Documentation, and Testing of the Computational Bone Physiology Modeling Toolchain. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. August 2019.
- Graduate Research Fellowship. National Science Foundation. September 2010 - August 2013.
- Annenberg Graduate Fellowship. University of Southern California. Award Proffered.
- 1st Place: Dynamic Obstacle Competition. Institute of Navigation Autonomous Lawnmower Competition. June 2010.
- Walter R. Fried Memorial Award for Best Paper at PLANS. IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS). May 2010.
- 1st Place: Dynamic Obstacle Competition. Institute of Navigation Autonomous Lawnmower Competition. June 2009.
- 1st Place: Engineering Oral Presentation - Visual Segmentation of Lawn Grass for Autonomous Lawnmowing Applications. CWRU Support of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (SOURCE) Undergraduate Research Symposium and Poster Session. May 2009.
- 3rd Place: Dynamic Obstacle Competition. Institute of Navigation Autonomous Lawnmower Competition. June 2008.
Selected Media Features
- Live Coverage: 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. Newsmax Newsline, April 2024. (YouTube)
- Wayne gets to operate a 'rover' as if it's on the Moon at NASA village. WJW Fox 8 Cleveland, April 2024. (YouTube)
- NASA scientist for a day at Great Lakes Science Center. WKYC Channel 3 Cleveland, April 2024. (YouTube)
- Great Lakes Science Center hosts Total Eclipse Fest all weekend long. WOIO Cleveland 19 News, April 2024. (YouTube)
- The 2024 Engineering Game. Case Western Reserve University, February 2024. (link)
- #SendYourName to the Moon on VIPER! NASA Glenn Research Center, January 2024. (Instagram, Twitter)
- We're NASA Glenn. NASA Glenn Research Center, January 2024. (YouTube, Instagram)
- The 2023 Engineering Game. Case Western Reserve University, February 2023. (link)
- This Handheld Device Uses an ESP32 to Play Videos. Hackster.io Blog, August 2022. (link)
- D. Maloney. This Simple Media Player Will Inspire Beginners and Invite Experimentation. Hackaday Blog, August 2022. (link)
- R. Zwetsloot. Meet Alex Schepelmann aka Super Make Something. Raspberry Pi Blog, July 2022. (link)
- Community Interview: Alex - Super Make Something. The MagPi: The Official Raspberry Pi Magazine, July 2021, pp. 84-85. (link, .pdf)
- NASA: We Dream Big, We Work Together. 2022 State of NASA Address, March 2022. (link)
- The 2022 Engineering Game. Case Western Reserve University, February 2022. (link)
- Newsmakers: Designing a better rover. Case Alumnus Magazine, February 2022. (link)
- The Webb Space Telescope Reaches Its New Home. This Week @NASA, January 2022. (link)
- A VIPER in the Sand. NASA Glenn Research Center, January 2022. (link)
- NASA Glenn Research Center | Year in Review 2021. NASA Glenn Research Center, December 2021. (YouTube)
- N. Smith Kilkenny. NASA Glenn Continued Research in 2021 for Space Exploration and Next-Gen Aeronautics. NASA Glenn Research Center, December 2021. (link)
- PCBWay X @Super Make Something | Meet the Maker 05. PCBWay, December 2021. (YouTube)
- N. Smith Kilkenny. A CADRE of Mini Rovers Navigate the Lunar Soils of SLOPE. NASA Glenn Research Center AeroSpace Frontiers, December 2021. (link)
- A CADRE of mini-rovers navigates the lunar terrain of SLOPE. Phys.org, November 2021. (link)
- Científicos de la NASA entrenan rovers para iniciar nueva exploración lunar. ANDINA: Agencia Peruana de Noticias, November 2021. (link)
- T. Woodall and A. Milutinovic. Los róveres que atraen a la NASA: pequeños y trabajadores en equipo. MIT Technology Review en Español, November 2021. (link)
- R. Fernandez. NASA Wants To Send A Fleet of Mini Rovers To Explore The Moon's Lava Tubes. Screen Rant, November 2021. (link)
- El proyecto CADRE de la NASA, allanará la exploración de la superficie de la Luna. NASA Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex Deep Space Network, November 2021. (link)
- D. Majer. Testy malých vozítek na simulovaném lunárním povrchu. Kosmonautix.cz, November 2021. (link)
- C. Mussi. La Nasa lavora su robot che saranno in grado di lavorare insieme e risolvere problemi. Corriere Della Sera, November 2021. (link)
- S. Labib. How does NASA test its small, autonomous rover before a moon mission? [Translated from Arabic] Youm7, November 2021. (link, link (translated))
- T. Mogg. Watch NASA test its autonomous mini rover ahead of lunar mission. Digital Trends, November 2021. (link)
- D. Patrascu. Autonomous Rovers Being Tested in the SLOPE, NASA to 3D-Map the Moon With Them. Autoevolution, November 2021. (link)
- E. Ackerman. Video Friday: Your Robot Dog. IEEE Spectrum's Robotics and Automaton Blog, November 2021. (link)
- G. Gómez. Así funciona el próximo mini Rover autónomo que la NASA llevará a la Luna. Computer Hoy, November 2021. (link)
- G. Halfacree. NASA's A-PUFFER, CADRE Projects Could Put a Swarm of Autonomous NVIDIA Jetson Nanos on the Moon. Hackster.io Blog, November 2021. (link)
- A CADRE of Mini-Rovers Navigate the Lunar Terrain of SLOPE. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, November 2021. (link)
- CADRE of Mini Rovers Navigate Simulated Lunar Terrain. NASA Glenn Research Center, November 2021. (link, YouTube)
- Making Geeks Podcast Episode 238. Making Geeks Podcast, November 2021. (link)
- A. Whittaker. Everybody loves Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. Raspberry Pi Blog, November 2021. (link)
- T. Woodall. NASA's new rovers will be a fleet of mobile robots that work together. MIT Technology Review, November 2021. (link)
- O. Gonzalez. Timelapse para impresoras 3D de resina con Machine Learning. BricoGeek Blog, September 2021. (link)
- Resin 3D Printing Time Lapses with AI! Adafruit Blog, September 2021. (link)
- D. Maloney. Silky Smooth Resin Printer Timelapses Thanks to Machine Vision. Hackaday Blog, September 2021. (link)
- John Glenn: Celebrating a Legend. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center, July 2021. (YouTube)
- Teaching Tech on YouTube: Alexander Schepelmann, Robotics Engineer, NASA Glenn Research Center. Entrepreneurship Speaker Series, Veale Institute for Entrepreneurship, Case Western Reserve University, July 2021. (link, YouTube, LinkedIn)
- K. Matthews. Best DIY Scanners in 2021. All3DP, June 2021. (link)
- VIPER Hits the SLOPEs. NASA Glenn Research Center AeroSpace Frontiers, June 2021. (link)
- Innovation & Implementation S3E7: Make a Unique Cool Keyboard. PCBWay, June 2021. (YouTube)
- Episode 5: NASA Robotics and Super Make Something. MarketLyst's The Next Layer Podcast, April 2021. (YouTube, Apple Podcasts)
- Episode 208: OMG It's Alex from Super Make Something! Making Geeks Podcast, March 2021. (link)
- HotMakes Episode 32: #HotMakes Segment - Open Source Stream Deck. The Edge of Tech, November 2020. (link)
- DIY Stream Deck Checks All the Boxes. Hackster.io Blog, November 2020. (link)
- Episode 15: Master Maker. Think[Box] Radio, September 2020. (link, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music)
- Makers Minute Podcast: Episode 7 with Super Make Something. ModBot, September 2020. (link)
- AI Maestro: Newsmakers. Case Alumnus Magazine, August 2020. (link)
- A. Lee. Meet the Maker: YouTuber Insists It's Easier Than You Think to Make Something Super Using AI. NVIDIA Blog, August 2020. (link)
- NASA's Human Research Program Cross-Cutting Computational Modeling Project: Informing Risks to Astronaut Health and Performance, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Human Research Program Website, April 2020. (link 1, link 2, link 3)
- R. Zwetsloot. NeoPixel LED Mirror. The MagPi: The Official Raspberry Pi Magazine, March 2020, pp. 14-17. (link, .pdf)
- This "Mirror" is Made From a Whole Bunch of LEDs. Hackster.io Blog, December 2019. (link)
- Really, Really Awesome Raspberry Pi NeoPixel LED Mirror. Raspberry Pi Blog, December 2019. (link)
- Neopixel LED Mirror via @SuperMakeSmthng. Adafruit Blog, December 2019. (link)
- This Alexa-Enabled Light Switch Takes a Physical Approach to IoT. Hackster.io Blog, February 2019. (link)
- Alexa Enabled Light Switch #iot #Alexa #3DPrinting. Adafruit Blog, February 2019. (link)
- Video Friday: AI vs. Dota 2, Cassie Gets Bored, and Georgia Tech's Robotarium. IEEE Spectrum's Robotics and Automaton Blog, August 2017. (link)
- DIY Robotic Drawing Machine by @SuperMakeSmthng. Adafruit Blog, August 2017. (link)
- Get Your DDR on With an Arduino Dance Pad. Arduino Blog, July 2016. (link)
- DIY 3D Scanner. Engineers Garage Blog, June 2016. (link)
- 3D Scanning is Made Easy with this DIY 3D Printed 3D Scanner. 3ders.org Blog, March 2016. (link)
- DIY 3D Scanner by Super Make Something #3DPrinting. Adafruit Blog, March 2016. (link)
An archival copy of my CMU student website can be found here.